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Showing posts from 2020

Be Enthroned Lord God

You are the Worthy one Lord You are high and lifted up There is none like you I give you honour and praise You are enthroned above all Nothing and no one can compare with you You are truly the King of Kings Lord of Lords Creator, the Great I AM I praise and worship you Father God Ruler of the Heaven and Earth


 The Shannah  - a new year,  in nature a year is a repeating what has been. We have time ahead of us.  In nature we naturally we do what we use to do, we repeat. We have an habit of repeating things.  Falling into a grove of doing the same things over and over again. The Shannah also means new things, the changing, the new.  The more we know God the more we will be change. From God comes the power of newness. We have to choose to not walk in the natural, but in the super natural, walk in the spirit, in new ness.

Barach To bless God, Kneeling before Him

The greatest blessing is salvation Barach means "to bless" also means to kneel down. To bow down and humble yourself before a God who is worthy, is a small act to acknowledge Him Let us "barach' God with a humble heart and spirit


Proverbs 2 Such a rich passage, encouraging us to seek wisdom, the benefits of submitting our lives to God, through Jesus is just mind blowing. When in doubt, ask God for Wisdom, Discretion. "When #wisdom enters your heart, And knowledge is pleasant to your soul, 11  #Discretion will preserve you; #Understanding will keep you, 12  To deliver you from the way of evil" Prov 2:10 Proverbs 2 Such a rich passage, encouraging us to seek wisdom, the benefits of submitting our lives to God, through Jesus is just mind blowing. When in doubt, ask God for Wisdom, Discretion. "When #wisdom enters your heart, And knowledge is pleasant to your soul, 11  #Discretion will preserve you; #Understanding will keep you, 12  To deliver you from the way of evil" Prov 2:10  

Take Courage - Take action

I very often in the morning wake up with a word in my mind. Today the words was "take courage" In Hebrew word for courage might best be defined as  "willingness to take action" #takecourage #takeaction 

Worship GOD

Worship God -  This word is predominantly from ancient Hebrew “ shachah ,” which means literally, “to bow down" I would like to mark this day, going forward, I would use this #blogpage #guardyourheart as a live journal.  Sharing thoughts and revelations as I continue to walk my journey of faith with God. I hope my musings will encourage you! Ancient Hebrew was  originally  a picture language.   This word is predominantly from ancient Hebrew “ shachah ,” which means literally, “to bow down" Worship is an internal and external action  acknowledging and worshipping God as the great "I AM" In humbling ourself, we bow down and focus, gaze of attention and affection on  God himself, defenceless  and vulnerable in a position we cannot protect ourself.  Worship with the heavenly angles "Holy, holy, holy is the Lord, God, Almighty who was, and is and is to come. Thank you #paulwilbur #americamusician #fellowbeliever for you #encouragement