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I choose to confess my own sin

-12 Why, then, criticise your brother’s actions, why try to make him look small? We shall all be judged one day, not by each other’s standards or even our own, but by the standard of Christ. It is written: ‘As I live, says the Lord, every knee shall bow to me, and every tongue shall confess to God’. It is to God alone that we have to answer for our actions.

I have a tendency to replay situations over and over in my head.  It’s a way of processing information and trying to justify my thoughts and actions. This happens mostly when I become aware that I have sinned.

It’s so easy to see other peoples faults.  The difficult part for me is not to judge.

I have thought about this deep and long. I do not know their hearts, how can I?  I do not know where they are coming from, if I was in their shoes, what would I have done.  I’m NOT.  I only know my circumstances, I only have control over my thoughts and actions, I am responsible before God for myself, for my own actions.

We are not called to judge our fellow brothers and sisters, we are commanded to love and exalt them.

In my journey of guarding my heart I choose to confess my own sin, judging and criticising others will corrupt my heart.  I choose to submit to Gods Word.


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